How to Prevent Injury While Running

Start and never stop with these tips on safe running

Sruthi Korlakunta


Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash

Running is a very addictive sport. It is as engrossing as it is painful and time-consuming. I started running about 90 days ago and have some 270km under my belt. In this time and distance, I figured that if you want to keep running, the hardest parts are not the runs but the rest days.

It is easy to get lost in numbers and keep aiming for better mileage, better pace, or cadence. Here is one thing that will keep you from getting to the numbers you want — Your body. Turns out, calcium and muscle are great but not at all like their Gen-Z cousins — metal and silicone. If you want your body to run with you, you must learn to listen to it.

Here are some tips to help you run and recover so that you can stay on your goals and plan your distances and speed better. Under no circumstance run all 7 days a week.

1. Listen to your body (but not too much)

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

As an absolute beginner, running can make you want to gouge your arms and legs out of your ball-and-socket joints and hit the bed ASAP. But only until you discover…



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