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10 Super Useful Tips For Readable Python Script
Python tips for beginners
Python is known for its readability and simplicity. More and more users are taking to python as it slowly replaces traditional analytics tools because of the ease and flexibility in data manipulation it offers.
However, as you write more complex code, it’s easy to fall into bad habits that can make your code harder to read and understand. Here are 10 things to keep in mind when cleaning your Python code:
1. Use meaningful variable names
Avoid using single-letter variable names or generic names like “temp” or “list”. Instead, use meaningful names that clearly describe the purpose of the variable.
2. Keep lines short
Limit the length of your lines to around 79 characters. This makes it easier to read your code on smaller screens and helps prevent horizontal scrolling.
3. Use white space:
Use blank lines and indentation to separate different sections of your code and make it easier to read.
4. Use docstrings
Use docstrings to document your code and explain what different functions or classes do.